Tuesday 6 August 2013


Hi Family!!

WE hit a bump in the road on 6th July. One of our dear friends passed :( He was helping us with the home renovations and had become a part of our family.  He was looking forward to the wedding with almost as much excitement and anticipation as me. He had great plans for the house, our gardens, even the children he wanted to enjoy. So we are going to miss our David A. White. (Aboab  inside joke) But God knows best. There will be a special place for him at one of the locations for Wedding Day 2014.

So what does my title mean this week? here we go folks, the roller coaster ride continues, where is the time going?? Lord slow it down just for us PLEAASE! LOL 

To change or not to change, that is the question of the day. I LOVE my name. Heidi Rene'e Aboab. it flows beautifully. My godfather, Uncle Nigel named me Heidi and then he and my dad came up with Rene'e. My father wanted our initials to be the same. So our nickname is/was HR. He was Hutson Randolph. The Aboab was alllll Mummy. The name of her father and his father and his father and we could go on.
MARCH 2010

It should be pronounced uh bow ab. But we prefer uhbobe. It is Jewish, and yes we are descendants of actual Jews. My great grandad Conrad Aboab was Jewish, down to the nose ;) His family arrived here from Portugal in the grand days of old and we've been here ever since . If you visit the synagogue in Magazine Lane, you will most definitely find one or many gravestones or tombs marked with the name Aboab. 

My name is important to me. At Lodge I was teased incessantly about it, until one day I owned it and said, yes that's my name, and get it right. There are still a few people who call me ridiculous names like Aboobee and Abode (fatherinlaw to be included, apparently it's funny). But I get very angry when people bastardise my name. It is mine and I don't walk around going, oh your name is Jacobs hahhha how white. OR Wait, wha sorta name dah is? So respect mine. Thank you very much. 

Andy understands this and we have reached a compromise. He wants me to keep my name professionally, but bills, passports whatever else will bear the Bowen Moniker. I am very proud to become Mrs. Anderson M. Bowen, but I always will be Heidi Rene'e Aboab.

What do you all think about the name change?
The Real - Name Changing

1 comment:

  1. No matter what you change it to you will always be an Aboab just like you will always be your mothers "little girl". The people who meet you for the first time as a married woman will refer to you as Mrs. Bowen. I've been married 12 years and most of my family still call me by my maiden name. Do you know my married name Cuz????
