Thursday 4 April 2013

The ups, downs and floral arrangements??!???!

Hiiii! Super excited about this one. Not exactly wedding related, more relationship related and I reallly want your feedback, as it's a good one!

Hope all is well!!!

I'm in dress and accessories mode at the moment, still refining that list and does anybody know where I can rent a photobooth ? (another one of my creative but OTT ideas to make the reception FUNNERS!! I abhor boring receptions. Can I just say that I cannot express how dull I find the garter toss, bouquet toss, cake cutting business? I mean, they have their place, people look forward to them, and to be honest I think a wedding maaaay be a little weird without them, as they're expected on the agenda/running order. But I'm researching ways to make them interesting and interactive.
I think this is GORGEOUS!! 

 Ostracizing people by highlighting their single status at a wedding has never been appealing to me. It's as though you're being branded with the scarlet letter! "Cuhdear, she neva coulda keep a man," Or chaa, this is what, the 5th wedding, he still aint got no woman?" Tings brown. Not our intention to make our guests, family or friends uncomfortable. Sooo, no "Hey all the Single Ladies with Beyonce' bellowing in the background," I'm brainstorming for my unwed AND hitched ladies!! Woop woop!

Big no no!
Flowers have suddenly become a huge concern. What type of flowers do we like? I love carnations and babies' breath. There I'm done. I don't like roses, not a fan of peonies or lilies or geraniums. I'm NOT sold on ginger lilies either, Andy says he is. He said "When ya get up dey dem ants in de ginger lilies gine truh bare bites in ya man!". Back to square one. And bougainvillea is soooo pretty but not at allll suitable for a wedding as it dies quickly. Why oh why would I have a big ol sunflower and don't you find orchids a little, I dunno 'funerally'?
This is one of the ugliest things I've ever seen! I'm sorry, but sunflowers? uh uh that ain't hot!

I DO know that I want a pastel, summery yet lush arrangement. I want it to be bountiful and glorious. Not dissimilar from the arrangements one sees on Platinum Weddings. Now I am NOT a fan of those ridiculously eerie weeping willow themes that those brides go for. They're a bit gothic, whack and over done. I want simple and elegant, kind of sassy and with a little bit of bling. Is all of that even possible with flowers, specifically arrangements and bouquets in Barbados?  Welllllllll the hunt is on! Hastings Flower Market and Seju Selektion Florist are my top picks. I'll get Andy on the case, he's SUPER good at weeding out the best of the best. And I do my background checks to make sure nobody has a rep for being flaky, so you vendors BETTER be on your toes!!!

Our Rela.. Frien... LOVE:

Andy and I haven't been focusing much on the wedding this week. I can't even remember mentioning it except on Sunday when my Pastor asked how the plans are coming along. I was momentarily stunned as I realised that I truly had no idea. How far are we, are we on track? LOLOLOL I know we have time, but I like to stay organised since I am a mad hatter and organisation is Mummy and Andy's forte' I'm the creative. That's my story I thereby stick! So I have my little black book and to help.

Andy and I LOVE to talk. On reflection, it's our favourite thing to do apart from watch series and play Guitar Hero, or go driving. We discuss EVERYTHING and Andy doesn't like to say that we argue. But we do. WE have disagreements sometimes, and other times we have highly volatile knock down blow out arguments (usually about a current affair e.g Shanique Myrie/Brass Tacks). I reallly cannot stand talk radio, he loves it. We had a few disagreemens about it, then we met a resolution. He can listen to his RECORDED sessions of BARE CRAP TACKS , sorry BRASS TACKS for half of the trip which turns into 3/4 cause I zone out LOLOLOL and then I listen to my favourite station LOVE FM 104.1 for my easy breezy tunes and zen session.


What I love about us is that we are both very passionate and committed. WE try really hard not to get involved in anything that won't benefit us spiritually or mentally OR THAT STRAIGHT MAKES US UNHAPPY!!. But what I especially love, is our ability to hash out our issues and agree. Or agree to disagree. We don't go to sleep angry ( one of us breaksdown and calls the other, i'd say 50% either way) and we allllllways come to a firm decision through talking. Communication has never been a problem for us. We discuss the real. Things about each other that are difficult to tolerate, understand or things we plain ol CANNOT stand about each other. But very very very often, we remind each other of our reasons for loving each other. We affirm our relationship, and then we talk about the latest event trending in Barbados or wherever. I love my bff Andy, no doubt!

That's my Andykins!!!

I knew my chattiness would come in handy some day ;)

How do you and yours handle differences of opinion, arguments, disagreements, WHATEVER you want to call them?

1 comment:

  1. How did i not know about this blg?!?!? Heidi you are too funny! Renae actually mentioned it to me this morning - i started and had to read them all!!!
    All the best with your planning!
    Looking forward to your next post...or will it be from Andy?! :)
