Tuesday 9 April 2013

Distractions and Blessings...

Ladies and gents. Where is the time going? Month just started and it's already 9th April, 2013.

Heidi and Andy have been very good wedding wise and house wise. Putting a few thoughts together about the wedding. Nothing hard core. The past few days we've been focusing on and will continue to focus on us. We are still really excited about the wedding, and we get questions about it all the time. And you all follow our blog which is at over 2000 views and counting! We cannot thank you enough!!

But sometimes life gets in the way. Andy works three jobs. normal work, Looking after Andy and trying to keep abreast of  Hurricane Heidi. I work four, looking after me, looking after Andy, looking after Moden and staying sane.

What we do know!

We know the type of cut and shave Andy is doing. Mr. Morris Chestnut lookalike ( his words NOT mine, some nutty girl back in the day lied and gave him the moniker, these girls need to fallback and get a clue, he's soo much more Idris Elba (HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA) has decided he's shaving his OWN beard (jokes) Nah he normally does and it looks kool. His barber however, is Floyd (shout out to de top man!!)
Andy's Barber Shop - Ask for Floyd ( One Accord Plaza, Warrens  PM me for his number) And I know you dudes be reading this blog, don't act like you're not! He's SUPER talented and quite popular!

WE decided for sure for sure on colours. I can tell you one of them is Platinum. And that's all I'm saying about that. If you watched The Best Man, you know what I'm talking about. I love the richness of the colour and how regal it is! It really does look stunning on most complexions and it's so easy to work into a colour scheme.

I love it! 

WE decided on the location for our Post Ceremony Photography. Just have to run it by Wade ;)

We have a home!!! FOR SURE!! We are SO blessed to have the support and love of both our families. And my mum in particular is the reason we have a home. She gave us one and I cannot say how indebted to her I am. But that's what Mummy's do. My Mummy and Andy's Mum and Dad are SUPER SUPPORTIVE AND LOVING!! They look after us and that is SUCH a huge blessing!

Andy and our friend David lifting cabinets from bottom apartment to top at our house!!! Work work work! MUSSHHH lol! 

So it's necessary for us to get rid of any and all distractions right now. Andy is meticulous, borderline obsessive about maintaining a healthy balance with his commitments. But sometimes he slips up. And I think that's cool. He's allowed. Things tend to crossover at times and as long as everything and everyone stays in their lane, Heidi is happy and comfortable. But as soon as anything or anyone crosses that boundary and starts to act a fool, I'm going to let him know. WE are fiercely protective and loyal and we do NOT mess around when it comes to our relationship. Without that, there's no point to a wedding or a marriage. WE need to both be comfortable and settled.  And what is SUPER cool about our relationship is that we talk about things. Uncomfortable things, weird, strange, irrational, embarrassing, you name it. And I believe we're going to make it work, because it's what God wants and what we both want, a happy healthy life together, free of encumbrances and distractions. Regardless of how big or small or how long or short a time they last.

:) Just us ( Andy's a bit narcisstic, forgive the brother) LOLOLOLOL

Distractions. You know what I mean, people,events, things that just pop up out of nowhere and that we ALLOW to upset the apple cart. And I'm sure many of you brides and potentials and ladies in general know what I mean. These damn caterers haven't sent a quotation, what month should I book for travel, oh shoot I forgot to co-ordinate with the BOO to arrange dates anyway. Mummy I can't tell you when we are going to decide on a centrepiece ( she hasn't asked, just saying) and no RANDOM GUEST OR FAMILY MEMBER you are NOT wearing white to my wedding ARE YOU MAD?

Next thing you know you forget that stress and then you realise, oops back to reality, and wedding plans, and house repairs and oh crap, the bills have to be paid. I don't have time to hang with my friends or family like before, we all have families and commitments and work and mortgages and businesses that we need to thrive. So I need to get back to life. And the reality of it all is your life has changed. You're all grown up. Doing big things, making moves like a big person does. Because that's what life is. It's not static and unbreakable. Some of your friends can hang, and others, just won't make the cut. They won't understand that your life is different and you just can't do everything you used to do. Simply because of a new commitment. So they get in where they fit in RESPECTFULLY or you let them go. That's what we believe at least. So the dog has to wait to be fed, cause Andy needs to talk about his day or he wants to play Guitar Hero or watch Pawn Stars with me. OR Heidi has to vent about the latest client who refuses to pay or the latest cosmetic that just came out or SHE wants Andy to watch Criminal Minds with her.

Andy and I went to Ocean Park to hang with the fishies and each other and his family yearrrrs ago. It was such a good day!! After the wedding I plan to grow my hair back, I miss it and Andy likes the long hair thing.

I believe when you start a family with someone (married or not) you don't give up all of yourself. BUT you do decide to ENJOY a new way of living. Letting go of the past is incredibly hard, but it's necessary to slough off the old to reveal the new. People are gonna get hurt. Prior commitments will go unfulfilled. Your life is altered because this, this relationship, this is a fun, happy, loving critical part of our lives as humans. And we love to love and be loved.

I look at this whenever I feel overwhelmed, or tired, mad at Andy or I need to come back down to earth.  This ring isn't just a symbol of commitment from Andy. But I accepted it because I believe God wants me to be his life partner, lover, best friend and #1 supporter. I accepted it because I choose to be the #1 lady in his life, he proposed to me because I AM #1 for him. And for me that is more than a blessing, it's EVERYTHING. WOOP WOOP!
And then the blessings start flowing. God makes it so that when you jump a hurdle or two or three, there are green lights all the way. And that is SO necessary. You come to a point where you see that you aren't in school anymore, it's not cute to be all caught up with then, you're living in the now. And right NOW we have 445 days to go ( oh wow! That's only 80 days short of a year til marriage! Forget wedding!  ahhhhhhhhhhhhh)

So we are thankful for:

Faith. It moves mountains!
Love: WE have it unconditionally for each other and we display it often.
Hope: That through faith, by His grace and with love, we will live victoriously and enjoy a long and fruitful marriage, with a few tests and trials to keep us FAITHFUL and LOVING and HOPEFUL.
Mercy: So that we don't kill each other LOL

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