Thursday 7 March 2013

Love shot/ Engagement Portraits!!

Hi my friends!! Can you imagine I started this blog 7 weeks ago? Crazy right? Time is FLYING! Things have been picking up on the wedding front. WE made a lot of headway on the planning. I'm at dress stage now, trying to decide what goes best with who's body type. Including mine. We have to collaborate on a centerpiece, we're figuring out Reception and other event entertainment and of course we have to sort out our Engagement and Announcement Photo location yaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

So as some of you may be aware, I am a certified, freelance Makeup Artist. I have the opportunity to work with some of, but specifically one of THE best photographers in Barbados. Wade Phillips, is humble, creative, intelligent, SUPER funny and he has a passion for the craft. We plan all of our shoots, determine locations and nothing is left to chance unless we do an impulse shoot. Sometimes you just need to let it flow right?

Wellllll, not so with Heidi and Andy's Engagement Photos. Originally I asked Andy if we could do them almost immediately after we got engaged, because I wanted Wade to capture the glow. The day after? Oh man I was grinning like a cheshire cat. My skin was flawless, I wore LITTLE makeup and I was floating on Cloud 9. It was a verrrrry cold day in Guttersloh, Germany, but Andy and my heart was so warm we only noticed when a biting, cold as neck wind whipped through the townsquare.
Me, Mummy and Auntie Lorna (checking her cell) Hope she comes for the wedding! She is a fierce fashionista! Note the leopard print scarf?  

Fast forward to October 11th. We'd been home for 2/3 days and reality hit. I had just had surgery. This was the first time in 3 weeks I'd get to rest. And I really didn't feel up to a photoshoot so soon. Not to mention Andykins is NOT a photoshoot dude (even tho he is somewhat photogenic it's sickening really).
Christmas 2010. The Bowens -to-be.

We want to save this part of the wedding prep for 2013/2014. We always like to have events to look forward to and we didn't want to rush ANYTHING with this wedding. Everything happens so quickly, I thought, and then Andy agreed with no coercion lol! Man let's take some time out and plan like we do our regular shoots and that way, we maximise the potential of the location. Co-ordinate (or not), our wardrobe and include a few different aspects or subjects into the shoot. After all, I see every shoot as a business opportunity. A showcase of my talent and Wade's and our teams. Still, this one is special. And I want it to show.

Sign of things to come... 2011, when we launched Moden Makeup by Heidi.

Andy and Dre at our friend's wedding.

So we are scouting locations. I have a few in mind, so does Wade so does Andy.  Now it's just to overcome the jitters. I'm always the one applying the makeup, and assisting with model direction onset. Now I AM the model. I reaaaaallly didn't bargain for that one! And Andy? He's a photographer, so wunna dun know that Mr. Man aint about that life. Stand in front of camera rather than shoot? Unheard of. Being a behind the scenes type holds a lot of water!
At TGIF for my friend Shanna's bday celebrations! 2008

Here are a few tips for the happy couple, follow these and you are SURE to have a fantastic shoot, with enviable photos!

1. Go out the night before or have a quiet dinner with your intended. Think nothing of the shoot or any wedding plans or details. Just bask in your partner's nearness and warmth. Rekindle the flame if you want to use a cheesy phrase :)

2. Be yourself. The photographer? He/she needs to feed off of your energy. If he gets the vibe that you are a fun-loving  hip couple, he can use that. If you're shy and reserved, a little more effort is required on both parts.

3) Ladies, Select Comfortable clothing. Dresses are preferable but not always practical. Gents, no ball busting pants please, you may have to lift the lady, and wardrobe malfunctions are unacceptable. Thank You.

4) Bring more than one outfit. Variety is the spice!

5) Have your makeup professionally applied OR practice beforehand. One of the biggest faux pas I see increasingly at Wedding Receptions is the Love Portrait with BOTH the bride and groom looking like they ran a marathon through chicken grease and lard oil. Not cute. Memorable for all the WRONG reasons.

6) Location, location, location. People, the cliff at Enterprise is PLAYED OUT!! So are the Harry Smith Ruins!!! And Dover Beach... At least I think so. Barbados is the MECCA for white sandy beaches, we have some flora and fauna, and have you driven past a freshly plowed field lately? I find those landscapes to be beautiful and unique. Why settle when you can be different in a simple yet effective way?
Flora and nuff fauna, aka bush and greenery. But LUSH and vegetatious! lol!
Shot from one of the engagement portraits Wade and I worked on. 2011

7) Include one over the top, really random photo. Our last engagement shoot,Wade told our couple to chase each other along the (yea you guessed it) beach, but the bride to be fell! And let me tell you that shot was PRICELESS! Their faces were candid, the emotion was real and what captured my attention most was the shot after, when they collapsed in each others arms laughing their heads off? Organic, natural, sweet.

8) There will be closeups, do NOT eat garlic.

9) All white is crisp, but also played out. Find the Pantone website and exercise your right to mix and match. See how the couple below used white shirts, but switched up the pants? Still co-ordinated, but individual. I love this!
The Merritts. Gorgeous couple and so in love!

10) Relax. These are the FUN photos, the ones that show your family and friends your playful but romantic side. Remember you are paying for them, so please have a good time!!

The beach scene IS gorgeous though, isn't it?

Next Week: It's an uphill battle, but they're dropping!!!!

1 comment:

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