Monday 18 March 2013

Get Married dot com

My loves!! I've been MIA for a minute. I APOLOGISE PROFUSELY!!

So if you couldn't tell from the title, I have fallen in LOVE! With Tamar Braxton, that lady is TOO FUNNY! You betta get your life... dot COM! LOL

This week we deal with a matter very close to my heart. Touching, painful, raw. Weight loss.

After the first operation. My Mum and Uncle Brian. We'd just been shopppping in NYC!! 

I've always thought of myself as a thick girl. My extended family alwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaays gives me grief about my weight and if I add a few pounds there's hell to pay. "Wha happen ya guts get suh big, ya lettin yaself go or wha??" "You is a young girl wid a good looking man, you betta try and hold onto him, gettin as fat as eva!"
4 years post-op. I still had a tummy :( 

WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT???!!?!?!  I can hear the collective screams, sighs and what the beeep... comments coming from you all. Let me tell you, I usually respond with a big long nasty stupse, cut eye and strut away like a diva. Typical Bajan behaviour though, point out the obvious, regardless of the delivery, who cares if it hurts! YA need hurt to get off de fat right?


Just this past Sunday, I was feeling all good, since I've lost a few inches. One of my cousins comes over to me while I'm chatting with some church members and says, "waaaaiiiit, wha you aino you gettin married soon doah? de man aint want nuh fatty!! "I usually retort with something snappy like, well thank God that excludes you or whatever, but in this case, I dropped my new line, "Wha ya expect me to leave all de food fuh you, fatty #2?" Besides, I'm USED to people commenting on my weight and I'm being blunt. I'm Ray Charles to it. BUT with the wedding date approaching faster than a speeding bullet (believe it's March already?) my maid of honour is on my back (at my request) about losing the weight and I'm feeling the pressure.

Jan 2012, I think. When the tumour probably started growing :( 
Now Sunday was a milestone for me. Six months post surgery. This is part of the reason my weight fluctuates. I suffer from endometriosis. Hormonal changes and imbalances occur in my body ALLLLL the time. I try to control it, but I hate exercise (more recently have started a little regimen) and I eat what I want in moderation. That of course has to change. A lifestyle change is necessary for me to meet my fitness goal. So for now, I'm taking it one day at a time.

The challenge for me is FOOD! I love it. It does NOT help having a mother and future mother in law who can cook ( my mother is the better cook, just saying, Sorry Andy) But Andria Bowen? That lady can also throw DOWN. And I'm a savoury girl. No sweets for me really unless it's PMS time. So chile, the bloat takes over. Pure salt. Booooooooooooooooooooooo!

Anybody else loves a bull dog from Shell/ Sol ?? ME!!! 
Let me say here, that I am now numb when people comment on my weight because I have a valid reason for having a big tummy. This operation while it was not as invasive as the last, meant that the doctors had to enter my abdomen via four ports/holes. I now bear four circular scars on my tummy as reminders of the 9/10 cm tumour that was removed. It spanned my bladder, bowels and ovaries, pretty much touching every part of my insides and causing so much pain I practically used to impale myself through my lower abdomen to get rid of the pain.

So if a little tummy and some hurtful comments are what I have to endure til the weight melts off with hardwork and dedication, so be it. I will be a svelte, happy, bubbly bride. Because that's who I was before the surgery! And that's who I intend to be every day!!!

Can I also say that Andy loves Heidi. He loved me when we first got together and I was 130 at 22 years old, he loves me even more now!  He loves Heidi healthy and happy. And part of my being healthy is getting fit, part of my being happy is folks minding their own business!
Andy is REALLY happy here !!!! LOL 

So for the wedding, we have both committed to getting and staying fit. We have a looooooong planning process ahead, and a good few comfortable months of enjoying Germany, engagement, Christmas, births, birthdays, a death.. It was all just TOO much EATING so we need to take control of our eating habits and exercise plan again.

Of course Bighead is going to lose all his five pounds in a week. Men are sickening like that lololol. But one of the things I love about Andy is that as long as I commit, he gets in there with me. We eating healthy, drinking healthy. He does his binges at work ;) I have my spies LOL.

I am currently 160 lbs. I want to lose 10 realistically. Lost 2. I'd say I'm doing pretty well so far... let's see how much further I can go!!

Another surprise later on this week, ya'll thought I didn't drop you a line in 11 days without a plan? HA!

Love you!
Heidi xoxo


  1. Go girl. i know you can bring back that lodge form. Nate

  2. Enjoyable read Heidi. Keep it up! Ignore nosy bajans and work on you at your pace. Surgery, especially the kind you just explained is no joke. Look fwd to reading more.


  3. Thank you C! I sure will. It's difficult but I'm determined this time.
