Tuesday 15 January 2013

Coupled in Bim...Engaged in Germany... Married in Barbados!!!!!

Anderson and I are so excited to be sharing this chapter of our lives with you. We are not going to be giving away any intimate details of our wedding. SO this blog will act as more of a guide to getting married in Barbados Andy and Heidi Style. This first one is gonna be loooonng! 
We got together in June of 2007, got engaged in October 2012 and God Willing we will be married in 2014.  
Andy's Birthday 2010.
 How we met: 
Our friend Jason Greaves (my bestie), introduced us in Chubbies, (Video Store) Six Roads. Andy was with his mum and older brother Christopher. It's pretty funny, cause I remember thinking at the time, wowww dude is talll, and I love 6 footers (i'm 4 foot 11.5) but I was newly single and Andy was 'talking' to someone (if you're a Bajan ya dun know what that means) so I just said hi to him, all shy and such and his family and Jason and I went home to watch our vids.
Andy bowling...
How we got together: 
Andy is a HUGE people person, so after we met we started hanging out with the same group of friends EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT. Eventually we exchanged cell numbers, he'd call me to check on me and see how I was doing, so I thought it was really sweet. I'd leave the class I was in at UWI to go and chat with him on the phone til he walked home from the bus stop. My lecturer actually asked me once why I left his class the same time every Tuesday to go and take a call and I still didn't care. I still wasn't 'in like' with Andy, but I really loved our convos, he was super funny and really a nice dude, no strings. AWESOME RIGHT??!? 

Cut to 2007: 
SOooo as everybody knows the Bowen/Aboabs LOVE food! I went to get a fish dinner from Braff (BIG UP KRD CATERERS ya LARGE!!!) near to where we live (we live 2 mins away from each other SERIOUSLY meant to be together right???!? LOL) , next to Andy's church one Friday night to get some food. Andy was there waiting for his food as well, and invited me to his house to eat and watch what is now one of our fave movies... the rest is history. (everybody go awwwwwww awwwwww LOL)

Heidi - MAC Technique 2012

Our Engagement:
Me and Mick Rogers at Crystal World - Austria for the "Happy Xmas - War is Over" Video Shoot
Watch the Video here!!

When I was asked to come to Germany/Austria to shoot a music video, Andy jumped at the opportunity to come with me and my mummy. Andy and I wanted one night to ourselves after the shoot and being with our family and friends in Germany for a week and a half, so he asked me out to dinner to celebrate the success of the shoot. We were in a restaurant and he proposed at the end of the meal. It was quiet, and natural and intimate and very us! As soon as we got back to my Auntie's house we called my family back home and the rest in NY( they were on vacation) and we stayed up til 3 am German time til his mum and family got home in Barbados to Skype them the news. When Andy told his Mum, 'Mom she said yes!' and lifted up my left hand everybody let out a big cheer, we were sooo happy and felt so blessed to be in love and loved by so many nice, cool people!

Our Inspiration: 
Taken from Essence Online. Awesome shot!! Love the colours!!
We want our wedding  to reflect our likes, passions, creativity and our families. Most of all we want everyone to see how much we love each other and why! People are always amazed that we weren't married sooner, but we want to do it right and in God's time. I love magazines and reading, Andy is a techie and internet guru so between us we are taking our time figuring out the best way for us to incorporate our values (we are Christians), our loves: music, art, photography, family and friends and throw the BIGGEST, BADDEST, HAPPIEST party ever. WE take examples from magazines and the internet (PINTEREST ROCKS) and we're building our plan on these ideas. The pressure is on, but we maintain that less is more. And in the end we just want to enjoy our special day!

BARBADOS!!!!  we are getting married on our beautiful island, at my home church and our reception follows at a location we will disclose when we are ready to :D 

 More Inspiration: 

I LOVE platform peep toes, and  my feet are HUGE (9/10). Plus since I'm a shortie, I need the height so I don't have to tiptoe to kiss Andy :D 
Love love LOVE the beadwork on this dress! The bow is cutesie too but a little OTT. 

The Veil, TO DIE FOR right? right? 
Engagement PhotoShoot: 

WE are taking ideas!! This was from our Valentine's Shoot 2012- Def gonna plan one for this year again as this was soooo much fun! I loved this idea and everyday I'm pestering Wade, Moden's photographer about our concept. I cannot WAIT to take these photos, and though I detest being in front of the camera, I am excited to be posing with Andy for our official engagement portraits. Great practice for wedding day!!!! YAAAY!
Nazine and Stuart - Valentine's Shoot 2012
Our Story:

The Future Mr & Mrs. Anderson M. Bowen at a friend's wedding. 12/12/12
We've only just begun, and Andy has made me the happiest girl in the WORLD!! I am really excited to be getting married, I've looked forward to this since I was about 8. I almost always cry when I think about how far we've come individually and as a couple and I know we are blessed beyond measure. He is more than I could ever have hoped for, and he loves me for me. He's intelligent, reliable, takes care of me and FUNNY AS BIRD!! We make each other very happy and we're SUPER SUPER excited to be Mr & Mrs. Anderson Bowen. Wow that's the first time I ever saw it typed out... looks realllly good to me ;) 


  1. I did say awww. wonderful story. congrats heids

  2. Ya'll are way too cute. I've known Anderson from school and he's one of the great ones. Congrats to the both of you!

  3. I'm excited Heidi !!!! Looking forward to the updates

  4. Thank you. Well it certainly seems as though other people think we're cute too Kristyn LOL!! We'll try to keep you posted as much as we can without giving too much away. Thanks for the support!!

  5. Thanks Keo!!! Coming sooner than you think ;)

  6. Beautiful indeed!! now thats true love...blessings on you both.....

  7. That veil is too die for!! Your FH is quite handsome ;) Enjoy the journey.
