Friday 5 July 2013

Loves, here's an update

Well my loves, T-3 hunned n somink days!! Less than a year until Andy and my biggg day! Talk about countdowns! So here's the low down on the show down.

I've been travelling with the future in-laws ya'll. It was fun, and I advise any fiancee or girlfriend who wants to become a fiancee to do it! Get to know the family you are marrying into. My mother always says come live with me come know me. I can honestly say, I love Anderson eeeeeeeeven more now! At the end of the experience you will either love your man soooòooooooo much more, or run as far and as fast as you can. I love Anderson Bowen and I am so blessed and happy to be becoming his wife. Yaaay us!!!!

Welll now!

We have our colours, I have my bridesmaids (ahem). Most of our overseas relatives have the dates, we have our venues, food, drinks, cake sorted, we have a house, a car, God is gooood!

So what is left? A whole freakin lot! The music to us is suuuuper important! It sets the tone for the whole shabang. We want a worship session before the ceremony for sure. Then for the reception, we love the Lord, and we love Gospel, but we also love, rap, rnb, hip hop, reggae man we jes eclectic!

I cannot wait to see Andy on the dancefloor.  He is Mr Reserved Chill, bust a move in private. But he saaaaaays he's gearing up to drop it like it's hawt! BOOM! My babe gine mash up de place!!!!

Invitations and save the dates. I may have changed my mind. People keep forgetting the date. Maybe a magnet... (Pyoni....)

Photos: Waaaaaaade and Jazz Apple! Come on party people it's about that time! Collabo, concept execute. Andy loves a good photo and so do I but posers we are not! So the big guns Jazz and V-ann have to step in!

Hair: suggestions PUHLEEZE. Mine is growing and I think I want a chignon or cascading sidesweep with a swoop, but then Andy likes when I wear a ponytail or just pull my hair back. Help me family!

Weightloss! This for me is huge, I feel soòooo much better than I did a few weeks ago! I started Bios Life Slim on the 14th, I've lost 5lbs. I am overjoyed! I'm trying to eat better, up my water intake. My energy levels are way better and I'm sleeping well too. I'd say that's an improvement.

Honeymoon: I'm good with Carnival Valor, but we have to book soon, Time has flown and I think the European tour is our Anniversary trip now. I 'm just excited to travel with Andy, this man is a SUPER shopper. And let me tel you, this man love a piece of clothes hear? I too love my Kins. Sooooo much fun and tries on everything he buys!
Well stay tuned for the continued saga. Wedding Day 2014!

That's all for now.

Sooo sorry I wasn't around for the last 2 weeks! But net access was limited.
Thanks for sticking by us. We love you all!



  1. Yes you were missed. I really look forward to your blog. Keeping me up to date.
    So happy for you guys.
    And your mother was right - wise woman who raised a wonderful child.

    1. Thanks Auntie! Yes please I know quite a few super mummies ;)

  2. I can tell you are having fun planning!
