Sunday 2 June 2013

It's the little things that add up!

People of the blog!

So, tomorrow officially marks 300 plus days til Our Wedding Day (silent scream ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh). I am BEYOND excited. This year makes 6 years that Andy and I have been together and we enjoyed a good chunk of it. WE fought and loved hard, and by God's grace we won. Next up, enjoying a long, fruitful, prosperous MARRIED life, with hardship and difficulty of course, but God is and always will be good!

Alright, lewwee cut to the chase. Flowers, favours, bookmarks, programmes.

We need to start becoming concerned about our environment and going green. PLUS Printing ain't cheap.
So we go and order invitations, save the dates, gift cards, thank you cards, name cards, programmes, bookmarks, the list goes on. Already several reasons why you should NOT spend a HUGE amount of money on these add ons.

Bookmarks? really? In the Kindle/Galaxy/iPad age? Pointless. Email them a bookmark, save yourself the money.

Bookmarks?? No thanks!

Flowers, Andy says he wants them. So be it. As long as we don't go over the top with a lot of bush and greenery that looks really pretty, but costs more than a bomb.

Favours: Give me something meaningful, I want something that I can look back on and remember happy or crazy or funny moments at the couples' nuptials. My friend Shanna gave everyone at hers a framed photo of her and her husband, still have it. Our friends the Jones' gave everyone metal measuring spoons that had cute little sayings on them like a teaspoon of love and a tablespoon of sunshine, still have them. Tonya, our other friend sat down and MADE fans and I still have mine!
Love Beyond Measure - Spoons, Cute huh?

Some people put alot of love goes into these items and we take them for granted. So trust that ours (oh please help me to get through with them Lord). Will be worthwhile and MEANINGFUL keepsakes like the ones I mentioned previously.
Jordan Almonds are NOT meaningful!

From the get go Mr. B said he didn't want any table names. And I had been having the same thought. Tables 1-100 or whatever and lewwe guh long. It's toooo much! So I have to remember the names of the tables and get names printed blah blah. No please. How about The Shepherds, Table 6, The Mark's Table 8 etc. Make life easy for us and our poor ushers who it seems will be dealing with some crashers. (check out this blog in future for my take on Wedding Crashers)

So now we have the programmes. I don't want ANY! Hear dis, you go to a funeral and the congregation, people across the street, EVERYBODY knocking ya down for one, then they're gonna say,wait wait wait gimme 2. My sister coming, or my friend on she way, she gine need one. It's a Bajan epidemic now.

But for a wedding? They couldn't care less. How many of you keep the programmes you receive at the weddings you attend and peruse them months after? FOR WHAT? When something called a projector is there? You must be joking. Get with it. The congregation doesn't NEED a programme to see what's happening next. Weddings have a fairly standard format unless the couple have special additions to their ceremony. So SAVE SOME MONEY. Unless it's an outdoor wedding and your friends and family might not know your hymns etc.
Wedding Programmes. meehhh. I don't think they are necessary, what about you?

So that's my take on those 'incidentals', think carefully about where you can cut costs. I don't believe cutting the guest list is the only option ;)

Coming Up: Groom Gifts - Andy is SO HARD to shop for yo!

1 comment:

  1. Time is I remember when my sister was planning her wedding and it seemed like a long way off, when she first started. Then suddenly with the wave of a wand, there we were in the middle of Accra in the midst of her fairy tale wedding! So enjoy these few days left but make them count! BTW, still waiting patiently on Mr. Bowen's blog contribution! I had to put that in. LOL
