Friday 15 February 2013

Can't walk this road alone!

Last week, we had our first meeting about the wedding and site visit. And as I was sitting there with my mum waiting for Andy it hit me. I wasn't scared, nervous or anxious. I was excited and a little emotional. I turned to Mummy and said "Mummy can you believe we're here? It's happening! We're getting married ahhhhhhh!!?!?"

Then Andy came and he said to Mummy "Wow!" and he said to me "This is it 'Boab". Mummy said, "yea she just realised." And we were smiling and happy and comfortable and I said a quick prayer that we would always remember this feeling. Then reality hit and though marriage will NOT be an easy road. I know, we will make it through this journey relatively unscathed. We have the love and support of our family and friends and we have five years of blood, sweat and tears and NUFF prayers backing us. So here we go.
Now I have always said (since adulthood) when I get married, I need a wedding planner. Not only do I NOT want any stress or minimal stress on the day. But having been involved with countless weddings I know how important it is to have an impartial, solid, well connected person who can keep things running smoothly.

Efficiency, love for the job and excellent connections are super important attributes for any good wedding planner.
This movie was the All time fave of mine!
So yyaaaaaaay! We have a wedding coordinator. The reception site liason IS thecoordinator! Wooooohooo! I know what you're thinking, so who's going to handle the main things. Well, let's weigh the options. Deal with two personalities who may differ and not mesh at all, one may get our wedding vision the other may not and want to take over. One may be a pushover the other domineering. NOOO way! Let's circumvent that ish, and move straight to the NOT crazy section.

I strongly advise hiring a PROFESSIONAL wedding co-coordinator to assist you either throughout the process, or for on the day help. There are so many things that could go on. Bridesmaids may be late, the organist might have a touch of the flu. Your family may start acting out. Oh shoot we forgot the programmes in the limo. My garter!! It cost $300.00 and I left it at the hotel where we dressed. Drama.

Who WANTS to deal with all that stress, when you can pay someone (as long as you can afford it), or find a reliable someone to take it for you!

Clearly she is IN the crazy section of the Bridal party!
Now I am a HUGE DQ (drama queen), but I do not do well with stress. I have a business to run, family that needs me, Andy and I have to make time for each other, church commitments. And while I love my life, at the moment I am super glad we started the planning process this early. We know what we want and what we have to do to get it. AWESOME!

So having a planner to keep things in perspective. She will offer advice, and make her connections our vendors which is SUPERB. My mum will have as stress free a time and day as is possible. my maid of honour gets to do what she does best, remain calm. And all of the finer details that we may forget or may find difficult to execute considering we are going to be the ones getting married, my lady will take care of it. Not to mention, we don't have to handle the crashers or party poopers. My lovely, beautiful, trustworthy WC (wedding coordinator) has got some SERIOUS game! Love her to bits already!

Next Week: Family, family, family and their advice...hmmmmmmmm

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