Wednesday 14 May 2014

Crunchtime, bridesmaids and the best husband to be ever

Goooood Morning!

If you follow me on Facebook, you would have seen my post about how good Jesus is. And I'm here to testify AGAIN He has already provided.

So Andy and I were presented with a test. It was major to me but for him, it was either a yes or a no. And in hindsight that is exactly what it was. But I have an extremely difficult time accepting no. God is teaching me that sometimes that no is a means of protection.

So Andy's enormous faith and nuff nuff nuff prayers from both of us and our families took us through this little challenge. And God granted us favour. So for all of you praying for us thank you and please continue!!

Onto the good stuff!! I chose the ladies of our bridal party with great care. I have been friends with 4 of them for over 17 years one of them for 7 and the other for 5. See where I'm going with this? Relationship is important. Knowing your worth is valuable. Long and short? 

Invest in people who have your best interest at heart. Trust the people who have always been there. I want to look back at our wedding album and see happy, smiling faces, with people we love, admire and appreciate. 

Well folks. Our wedding is next month. Colour me excited. Andy is still smiling. I'm happy. Ideas are flowing and I can reveal one tidbit. We are taking our photos in a brand spanking new location. Historic, and it is quite picturesque. 

The curator of this garden was thoroughly impressed i'm told when my mother spoke to her, the lady couldn't contain it. She indicated that people simply took advantage without seeking permission. I was adamant about asking. It is VERY important to know your place and ting de people lil garden doan belongs ta we.

In essence, being a bride is awesome. It's fun. It's exciting. It's a beautiful and fulfilling experience. And if you focus on the marriage, the life after the wedding and pay a leeeetle attention to the wedding. You would enjoy it too. Cause I'm telling you, people who go through this twice? Nuts! Mental craycray.

More soon. And the photos are going to be fab!