Thursday 20 March 2014

100 Happy Days

We are beeeeyyyooond excited!!! Today officially marks 100 days til Heidi and Andy's Wedding Day!!!! 

Our invitations are on the way out. Already some people are disappointed, but we have a plan so not to worry. We have some thing in the works!!! We promise :)

Of course, no event Heidi or Andy are a part of is ever without some measure of drama. People inviting themselves, inviting other people, asking who's in our bridal party. Why we're having it here and not there.  And not a cheque nor envelope with a Grantley at all at all. 

Regardless, we are blessed and grateful for all the love and support.

So it's crunchtime. I have no dress, shoes, not even undies lolololol and I couldn't care less. Andy and I have come to the conclusion AGAIN that those things are nice and of course we want them. But this is about God guiding him and me into our life together. Boom!!

I need some help ya'll 

Limo or nah??

Tiara or nah?

Garter and get it tek off in fronta people or nah?

Eat on the morning of the wedding or nah?

Oh and guess when it finally hit home home home that this man is really, honestly, seriously, truly going to make lil old me his wife???

So this happened:

We love you!! Countdown with us!!! T-100 days :D

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