Monday 30 December 2013

Last Single Christmas, and 6 months from today

Merry Christmas!! All the best for 2014.

I've kept you long enough so here it goes. 

Today is our 6 month mark!!!!!!!!!!

In 180 days Anderson M. Bowen and Heidi R. Aboab , well. We'll be Mr. & Mrs!!! Eyaaaaaaaaaayyyy

We are so excited. Andy's doing that thing again, where he watches me and says, "you're gonna be my wife." After about a minute hahaha! 
It's the cutest, funniest thing ever man, i'm telling you. 

But here's the deal, deposits have been made, invitations are about to be drafted, corrected, addressed and posted. Flights booked, honeymoon planned. Life is moving. 

And just like that our time is coming up and NOW i'm nercited and FUSSY!!!!

But ting, let's talk about Christmas. Andy spent most of it with his family, and me with mine. What a bittersweet feeling for
both of us. 

More than likely we'll do that next year too. But together. We even went to our own churches, separately. So, here it is our lives HAVE changed. 

We missed each other, but the beauty of the moment was that Andy had most of his fam with him for Christmas (his mum usually has to work on Christmas Day). So it was special!! 

Now I started hyperventilating tonight about a very important matterπŸ’ .

First Kiss:

Here are the options that we gathered through research:

The Peck
The Tongue Tango
Full on Passion
The Modest Tongue Kiss

Now it may seem gross/ alot. But I want the moment to be awesome, and for me and Andy to LOOK awesome when doing it oooook?

So what's your preference? Tongue, Mega Tongue, no tongue mini tongue man i'm confused already!

Please pray. And stay faithful!! God has this covered. Devil stay out!!!

Im overjoyed to tell you that I received a clean bill of health!!πŸ’πŸ‘πŸ™Œ i'm healthy.. Nothing in the ultrasound, no abnormalities, tumours nothing.  Wooohoooo praise the Lord. So hopefully baby very soon!!! 

One more thing, thank you! For following commenting sharing. Stopping me on the street, speaking life and love into our beginning. It's true, live like no one is watching!! God is ever present. We appreciate it all.

When we started this journey, we thought it was not going to interest anyone. Wow, we were wrong!!

So we are almost there. Then the fun starts. I can't wait to see my  fam, eat drink and give THANKS to God almighty. To hold Andy's hand and heart
and really enjoy this day. We waited long enough!!

Love to all!! God bless and may 2014 be a blessed, happy, incidentfree New Year!!!

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